3 Factors That Go Into Determining Your Cost of Auto Insurance in Austin TX

by | Mar 27, 2017 | Insurance

One would think the cost of Auto Insurance in Austin TX would be a straight forward deal. You ask how much it costs and they should give you a basic answer. But the truth of the matter is, many different factors go into the cost of an automobile insurance premium. Some companies use all of these criteria, others may use some, and still others may have their own criteria.


It only stands to reason that if you have had three car accidents in the last three years, your premium will be much higher than the person who has had no accidents in the last ten years. Traffic violations that did not have anything to do with a wreck can also play into how much or how little the premium is. Running a stop sign or speeding tickets can add on to the bottom line in a significant way. Every couple of years, it’s wise to check with your carrier of Auto Insurance in Austin TX to see if you’ve had any wrecks or tickets to drop off of your record and reduce your costs.


Again, when you think about it, it makes sense. A person who braves I-35 daily is much more likely to have a collision than a second car that only goes out to the grocery store or to take the kids to school on a regular basis. Therefore, how far you drive your car makes a difference in the amount of money you pay each month for insurance. Those who use their car for work, driving from site to site or in sales daily are certainly likely to pay more than a stay-at-home mom who only runs to soccer practice and school.


Insurance agents live and die by the weather, therefore, those cars situated in the middle of Tornado Alley are likely to pay more than a car in the north Georgia mountains. Urban dwellers are likely to pay more than those out in the country, as vandalism and theft tend to be higher in city limits. Car repair costs in certain areas also help determine the cost you pay your agent.

For a quote on automobile insurance, talk to the experts who can explain exactly what goes in your premium at Perdue Insurance Group.

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